In terms of the Private Security Industry Regulation Act, 2001 the Authority must determine and enforce minimum standards of occupational conduct in respect of security service providers. In this regard, the Authority has a dual responsibility of determining minimum standards of occupational conduct in respect of security service providers as well as enforcing such standards.
- Inspections of individual Security Officers and Security Business Providers,
- Investigation of Individual Security Officers and Security Business Providers,
- Conduct Code of Conduct prosecution,
- Assist SAPS in the regulation of Fire Arms,
- Investigation of illegal practices within the private security industry
- Enforcement of applicable laws to ensure that all security service providers act in the public and national interest in rendering of security services.

Legal Services unit provides prosecutorial services for improper code of conduct dockets. The unit certifies dockets and ensures successful prosecution through processes geared for effective regulation. This includes the determination of the contravention and ultimately the finalization of the case. Legal services ensures that there is efficiency in the prosecution of all contraventions of the PSIR Act and has put in place measures to ensure that the process of prosecution is concluded within 90 days.
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